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What is Medication Administration Record (MAR)?

What is Medication Administration Record (MAR)?

A Medication Administration Record (MAR) is a report detailing the drugs administered to a patient by a healthcare professional at a treatment facility. Also known as a drug chart, electronic versions are sometimes referred to as eMARs.

The purpose of the MAR is to accurately record a patient’s medication usage, reducing dosing errors and potentially harmful interactions. The MAR must be filled out each time a patient takes a dose of their medication. The MAR is a component of each patient’s medical chart.

What Is Included in the MAR?

The format of a Medication Administration Record varies based on the requirements of the hospital or other treatment facility. Most MAR formats capture the following information:

    If a medication is not administered as prescribed, it must be noted, and comment fields can give the provider a place to explain why. In some cases, signatures may be required from the provider, nurse, and/or patient each time a medication is given.

    Medication Administration Record Summary and Reporting

    Information collected from MARs is often used to create reports—particularly when healthcare centers rely on electronic health record (EHR) systems.

    One of the most common reports is a MAR Summary. These summaries typically give an overview of medications taken over a given period of time.

    More detailed MAR reports feature a wide range of criteria, such as PRN (“take as needed”), medication usage, and drug categories. Some practice management systems can send alerts based on MAR report data, such as late or missed medications, dispensing errors, and treatment plan changes.

    How TempDev Can Help With the MAR

    TempDev's team of NextGen consultants, developers, and trainers support your needs whether you're looking to implement, switch, or upgrade your current EHR system. From dashboards and revenue cycle consulting to automation and workflow redesign, TempDev offers the tools you need to make the most of your NextGen EHR system, with top tips and tricks that will ensure your success now and in the future.

    With TempDev's NextGen dashboards, templates, and reports, you can better support your patients' needs. Our team is here to help you design, organize, and implement the whole system. Team members are also on hand to offer tips and guidance based on industry best practices

    Contact us here or by calling us at 888.TEMP.DEV to get help working with a Medication Administration Record.


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