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How NextGen Training Can Help Your Practice

Aaron Ramsey
Aaron RamseyDirector of PMO
How NextGen Training Can Help Your Practice

Your NextGen implementation project is not complete without training. NextGen training helps staff learn to use your NextGen EPM & EHR system properly. No EHR, EMR, or practice management system can succeed without well-trained users inputting the right data at the right time. Timely, targeted training can even increase system satisfaction, decrease employee attrition, and even reduce provider burnout. Here is how NextGen training can help your practice.

NextGen Training Eases Implementation

Implementing a new EPM & EHR is a significant undertaking. From data conversions to NextGen template customization, it is easy to focus all your attention on technical tasks. But training your physicians and staff to use your new practice management & EHR is just as crucial as getting the technical details right. If clinicians and non-clinical staff do not know how to use your EPM & EHR in their daily tasks, you will lose many of the productivity and efficiency benefits of converting to NextGen.

Good NextGen EHR training focuses on the key tasks and workflow assessment findings relevant to each individual’s position. For example, TempDev’s NextGen trainers create customized training programs based on your workflows. They train clinical and non-clinical staff in only those NextGen functions they will use often. This helps to prevent information overload. By incorporating NextGen into your workflows and training staff to complete key tasks, you can make the transition to your new EPM & EHR feel seamless.

You can also ease implementation by training super-users. Super-users are clinical and non-clinical staff who receive in-depth NextGen training. These users then act as in-house resources and NextGen EPM & EHR champions. They help answer questions, mentor other users, and ensure effective EHR & EPM implementation.

Increase Efficiency

When properly implemented, a user-friendly Practice Management & EHR system like NextGen can make your practice more efficient. EHRs can reduce paperwork burdens, limit medical errors, and improve billing accuracy. NextGen EPM can improve patient satisfaction by making check-in faster and easier. To see these benefits in your practice, though, NextGen needs to be integrated into your workflows. Clinicians and non-clinical staff alike need training to help make using NextGen second nature.

Training should focus on the specific workflows for each position. This approach can help you maximize efficiency without investing large blocks of time. These trainings should include real-world practice to help staff get a feel for how they will use the system in their daily work. TempDev’s tailored training approach, for example, can minimize training time for busy clinical staff while still ensuring they have the skills they need to use NextGen effectively.

Improve System Satisfaction

If your physicians and staff are dissatisfied with your system, you will not reap many of your NextGen EHR & EPM benefits. The team that interacts with NextGen every day has to learn to complete a myriad of tasks in a new way to realize the advantages of an EPM & EHR fully. Without training, they are unlikely to figure out the best way to use NextGen in their work independently. They may waste significant time on relatively simple tasks and give up on your EPM or EHR if they see it as unusable. Training can both prevent these problems and make your staff more satisfied with NextGen overall. Satisfied staff are more likely to support broadening the use of your EPM & EHR. This opens the door to innovations that will take your practice to the next level.

Position-focused and person-focused training can help you improve satisfaction with your NextGen EHR & EPM. Just as every position does not need to learn the workflows and templates, every person starts with a different base level of computer knowledge. A provider who has worked with several different EHR systems may need less hands-on NextGen training than a provider brand new to EHRs. Similarly, training needs for non-clinical staff can vary depending on position and expertise. A nurse’s training will look different from training for front desk personnel, for example.

Unsatisfied staff can sink your EPM & EHR implementation. Think of training as an investment in the future happiness and productivity of your staff.

Reduce Provider Burnout with NextGen Training

Physician burnout is a problem for many health care practices. EHRs have been shown to increase burnout, primarily when implemented with inadequate training. For example, an American Academy of Family Medicine survey found that nearly two-thirds of providers felt EHRs added to their daily frustration level. Also, nearly 40 percent of providers reported spending moderately high or excessive amounts of time on EHRs at home. 

Training helps improve clinician’s confidence in using your EHR system and reduces frustration. If clinicians know when and how to enter data in the course of their clinical duties, they can stay on top of charting and not face an end-of-day backlog. EHR burnout is often driven by frustration with non-intuitive systems or feelings that the system creates more work. Training can help address both of these issues by providing step-by-step instructions for using NextGen during common clinical or non-clinical tasks.

Burnout is an expensive problem. Providers experiencing burnout are less productive, hurting your bottom line. If burnout goes unaddressed, physicians may quit, leading to an expensive search for a replacement. Luckily, even just a few hours of NextGen training can help improve clinicians’ satisfaction with your EHR system and reduce signs of burnout.

How TempDev Can Help

TempDev’s trainers are NextGen EPM & EHR experts. They will work with you to create personalized training plans that meet your needs. TempDev’s trainers use a targeted approach. They crea­­­­­­­­­­te separate trainings to meet the needs and workflows of your staff. Whether you are converting to NextGen from another system, upgrading your NextGen system, or redesigning workflows, TempDev can help.

Call us at 888.TEMP.DEV or contact us here to discuss your NextGen training needs.


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