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Back to the blogApr 10, 2017



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TempDev's MACRA: MIPS Roadmap is the first tool of our new MACRA: MIPS toolkit! Let us help you navigate your transition from Meaningful Use to MACRA MIPS.

The passing of MACRA helped complicate the healthcare world even more . Compared to current practices, this one begins the transformation of payment models that is very different from what most practices know. To help our clients transition smoothly into this new system, we’re launching a new blog with a helpful toolkit that includes roadmaps, checklists, and much more. Our goal is to help make your transition to MACRA as seamless as possible.

Under MACRA, CMS is utilizing MIPS as a replacement of the Physician Quality Reporting  (PQRS), value-based payment modifier (VBM), and Meaningful Use program. It has four performance categories: quality, resource use, clinical practice improvement activities, and advancing care information (ACI). These four categories are combined into a MIPS Performance Composite Score that will decide a practice's final Medicare Part B payment adjustment. By 2020, clinicians will see payment adjustments from -9% to +27% based on the Performance Composite Score. It is critical to submit something in the Transition Year (2017) to ensure you do not receive a negative payment adjustment.

Our MACRA: MIPS roadmap will guide you through the next two years, starting now and ending in March 2019. We’ve mapped out important dates, including the days on which reporting both begins and ends. Keeping track of these dates will help you and your practice stay on top of the switch to MACRA.


Keep on track by following these key dates for MACRA: MIPS

  • January 1, 2017

    • MACRA 2017 reporting period begins

  • September 2017

    • NextGen Healthcare Regulatory Release (version 5.9/KBM 8.4) is available

  • October 1, 2017

    • Last day to begin 2017 reporting

  • January 1, 2018

    • MACRA 2018 reporting period begins

    • Upgrade to NextGen Healthcare Regulatory Release (version 5.9/KBM 8.4) is recommended

  • March 31, 2018

    • Deadline for 2017 submission

  • October 1, 2018

    • Last day to begin 2018 reporting

    • Upgrade to NextGen Healthcare Regulatory Release (version 5.9/KBM 8.4) is required

  • March 31, 2019

    • Deadline for 2018 submission

Contact us to partner with our expert level TempDev MACRA consultants to create a more detailed implementation plan that will cater to your unique business needs!


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